A Short Personal History
We got our first Bullmastiff’s in 1996 and the rest, as they say, is history. This is a great breed. They are a wonderful and loving family dog and my children have grown up with Bullmastiffs.
Although they prefer being inside, they can be outside dogs, but they need to be part of the family. They are very loyal and protective of their family and will often get in your way by just being with you.
I have found that many Bullmastiff owners are devoted to the breed and will always have a Bullmastiff in the house.

My Bullmastiffs
Von Adnaville Blue 1996
Gwenken Bismarck Baxter 1996
Northpride Nikki 2000
Carundel Khofi 2001
Adencrown Tindes Coco 2002
Northpride Vanilla of Bluken 2002
Kiki 2010
MacMack of Bluken 2011
Fountainvalley Dandeliondixie 2016 Hips A2 A2 Elbows 0:0
Bluken HoneyAppleJack 2019 Hips A2 A2 Elbows 0:0
PeachesLaRouge 2021 Hips A2 A2
Although they prefer being inside, they can be outside dogs, but they need to be part of the family. They are very loyal and protective of their family and will often get in your way by just being with you.
I have found that many Bullmastiff owners are devoted to the breed and will always have a Bullmastiff in the house.
Our Rescues…

Shirley-Anne Dippenaar
KUSA membership
121432 Bluken Affix 1998
Gauteng, Pretoria
Puppies occasionally available
Cell: 0823741479
E-mail: info@bluken.co.za
Health Checks done HD & ED.
Constant quality puppies that are homed with no written purchase agreement or “contract” and sold at an affordable price. Home checks done.

Some of the kennels that have Bluken pups:
Chizelhurst, Starkpride, Fountainvalley, Sargethrust, Sanniesebos
Grateful thanks to Nicky Robertson for the history of the early Southern African Bullmastiffs.
Contactable Reference
Nicky Robertson
Tel: 082 923 9702
Chizelhurst Bullmastiffs
Breeder, trainer and competition judge of bullmastiffs.
Some Photo’s





Toby Blue

Bluechip (Photographer Lanie Roos)

Honey & Biscuit
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Billings
A Short General History
Bullmastiffs are powerfully built dogs and have great strength. The Bullmastiff was bred to be a working dog.
They originated in England and were bred crossing the Old English Bulldog and the English Mastiff. These breeds were chosen for speed, agility, tenacity, strength and courage; to catch, down and hold a man without savaging or mauling. They had to protect the gamekeeper from poachers and therefore had to be fearless, fast, powerful, manageable and quiet. They also had to be relatively independent, intelligent but trainable.
* The Bullmastiff was registered as a new breed in England in 1924 and the first Bullmastiff to be exported to Southern Africa was in the mid 1920’s and was a bitch registered with the Kennel Club (UK) as Farcroft Vigil bred by Mr S.E. Mosely of the UK.
Mrs Heard, the new owner, unfortunately never registered this bitch with the KUSA. She subsequently imported Farcroft Joe from the same kennel and he was also the first brindle to be imported into Southern Africa. He was also not registered with KUSA.

BLUECHIP - Photographer Lanie Roos
Bullmastiff Breeders

The first known Bullmastiffs to be registered with KUSA were:
Brittania of Damara # 32516 in 1925
Trustful Peggy # 34346 in 1925
John Bull of Damara # 32915 in 1928
They were owned by Mrs Heard.
The well-known Bullmastiff imported by de Beers Diamond Mines was Ch (UK) Springwell Major and he was only registered with KUSA in 1935.
Today this breed is a companion and family dog, but also a formidable protective guard dog. They are by nature not really very active and do not bark without reason.
The purposeful and purebred Bullmastiff is stable, dependable, sound, reliable, faithful, loyal, alert and stubborn.
This dog will grow into a big, heavy, strong and gentle dog, but socialisation and puppy classes are essential. I would suggest taking children along to the puppy classes, as it also teaches children about big dog behaviour. They must be treated with love and respect.
Weight: South African Breed Standards Maximum weight for a male is 59 kg and for the bitch 50kg.
Body: Well developed with a broad and deep chest, back short and straight.
Overall he should look to be a well-balanced and powerful dog.
Skull: Large, square, cheeks should be well filled, fair wrinkle only when alert
Muzzle: Dark, square, proportional (1/3 to 2/3 tip of nose to stop to occiput) with a pronounced stop
Neck: Muscular, slightly arched
Eyes: Dark or hazel, set apart
Ears: Darker than the body, v-shaped, carried forward when alert.
Teeth: Level, slightly undershot allowed but not preferred
Nose: Broad, dark
Feet: Arched with rounded toes
Tail: Strong at the root, hanging down
Coat: Short and dense
Colours: Red, Fawn, Brindle. All with a dark muzzle and mask around the eyes